英文老師Gloria Luk成長於加拿大, 畢業於著名學府University of Calgary和University of Western Ontario的英國文學系,獲英國文學一級榮譽碩士、學士和英語教育證書。 Gloria擁有超過十年的豐富加、港英語教學經驗; 保證用功的學生都能在一學期內英文科獲10 – 20 分的進步。並設 (自組) 小班和私教, 且收費, 大眾化。
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We are solution provider which have the following project experience: - HR solution - Ordering system - Account system - ERP solution - Software engineering - System design and implementation Please c
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最新 TST 元件自定義技術讓核子 ERP 系統變化無窮貼合不同行業需求。 核子 ERP 系統:包括銷售、購買、倉庫、會計、生產、 CRM 、 POS 系統完美結合的 ERP 管理軟件。 詳細內容請點擊: www.nuclearsoft.net 。 優勢功能: 1. 自定義 ERP 系統,締造高實施成功率( TST 元件自定義、自製報表系統、單據設置系統); --- 利用 TST 技術設計符合自
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ITP China Ltd is a single source solution provider specializing in hardware and software maintenance & system support, outsourcing, equipment sourcing & procurement, Disaster Recovery service
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IT is a vital part of your business, but is it a constant headache, or a smooth running machine that helps get the job done? Let Anderson Solutions be your expert. Whether it's getting the computers
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IT-Missions.com Ltd. is an internationally recognized developer of point of sales systems to Hospitality Industry. Our specialist development teams focus on providing customized business solutions. F
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Edison Networks Ltd. is well-established system integration solution company. Our Management, sales & engineer are a group of well experiences. We can provide an Efficient Data Integration Solutio
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